Friday, September 19, 2008 life...

I was aim'n with a homegirl of mine from highschool...and I was thinkin, "damn I was a square in highschool"

I wasn't the gettin picked on, sucka ass square...more so the quiet, not cool enough to really kick it with the "in crowd" square.I played football, but I also studied a lot, so I was like right in the middle..

So I asked her, "why did you go to junior prom with me"? She basically said I was cool peoples..and in the friend zone...

The god damn friend was something I hated with a passion back in the day!! Haha I often got this response:

"you just too nice clif"

....I started thinkin, what the fuck..I'm suppose to be rude? That's how I get some females?!?

I never felt comfortable goin that route. I also never lied to females or played with they emotions (I've only told one female I love her...who is now my wife).

But one thing my homegirl said (that I've heard before but not really sure if it was meant positively or negatively) was that I was "different"....and I forgot to ask her about it..

Damn, this entry is jumpin all over the place.

Basically...umm...I don't know what the point was...I'm done

$ makes sense (not so much with this entry)


~RaVenBaBie~ said...

it was only high school...just 4 years of your life...people do too much about being "the man" or "that girl" in high school...when later on life, it happens to be so it doesnt matter..because its plenty of people that I see now that i'm like...."Damn, homie!! In high school you was the man homie!! What the f*ck happened to you" (thats to my man 50 for one of the greatest lines)

C.A.S.H. said...

yeah, i hear ya...i've definetly ran into my share of people that were doin it "big" in highschool...but aint doin much now.

i think my point was similar though..just that highschool really didnt mean much in the larger scheme of things...