Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just my life...

So it's saturday night, my birthday was on thursday, and i'm sitting at home blogging while my wife is making her way to the club. Something is just a little off...but shit, i didn't wanna go out anyway. "the club" is overrated anyway. I got some Cap'n Morgan and coke at the house, some cheetos..I'm good. plus i'm broke anyway. I need a damn job...well, i know a better job. I love my job now, well, maybe not love, but it's cool, it's just not paying enough. I need that college degree dough!

I'm hitting the studio tomorrow, possibly, to make some dope music. Haven't recorded in about a month or 2, so it should be interesting. We shall see....


$ makes sense

1 comment:

Eddie Zee said...

"I need that college degree dough!" i got that college degree and still having trouble with finding a job! gl hommie